exploring identity

Identidad Desaparecida: Silvia Levenson
Bullseye Projects, Portland, Oregon, 2016

An international touring exhibition by Silvia Levenson that tells the story of hundreds of children who were kidnapped during Argentina’s Dirty War.

A visitor explore and respond area offered exploration of identity through images by creating two sets of glass tiles that show images relating (abstractly) to identity and self. Participants sit opposite each other and are tasked with selecting four tiles that represent first one participant, then the the other. Each participant will then explain how/why the images they selected describe the other (or themselves). This interaction references the concept of the abuelas collecting photos and mementos and then presenting them to the lost children when they are “found”; a way of creating a perceived identity through visual images and symbols.

A touching table explained the glass casting process with rubber baby clothes and molds.

A monitor played a looping educational video showing historical information and interviews. Artist catalogs were displayed near the exploration area.

Design team: Michael Endo (Curator), Nicole Leaper (Experience Design Director), Laura O’Quin (Program Manager), Brian Hutsebout (Education), Jonathan Swanson (Preparator). Photos: D. Kvitka, courtesy of Bullseye Projects.


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